It has been a long time between posts. We've been busy, and we've all been sick. Not life-threatening-off-to-hospital sick, but a persistent cough that we've had for about ten weeks and I for one am fed up.
So what's been happening?
Venus had her birthday party two weeks after it was originally scheduled, and it was awesome.
Almost all of our fish got fin rot and are now buried under the little tree in our front yard, and our local aquarium staffed by the very helpful Daniel has closed, because helpful Daniel has gone back to uni.
We celebrated my brother's birthday, Father's day and my Mum's birthday.
Little Bumblebee is now six weeks old, and last week he reached Mars' birth weight of 4.3 kilograms.
In due time these things will get their own posts, but for now I just wanted you to know that the blog is not abandoned.