I'm sure I'm not the world's least reliable blogger, but allow me to reassure you of the rising levels of guilt I've been experiencing lately over the fact that my most recent blog post was published in November of last year. Oh, and don't look over to the left of screen and notice that I published half the number of posts last year as the year before. I just did, and I wish I hadn't.
So, briefly, here's what you missed.
Venus and X-Man on their first day of Orientation for primary school. Where did the last five years go?
Mighty Mouse on his second birthday. We weren't there when he turned one, as he was still living interstate, but we're doing our best to make up for that now that they've moved back home. How much does he love that birthday present? Lots. That's how much.
Then there was Christmas. Mars, aged eight, and Venus, aged five.
During the school holidays we spent a great day down on the coast, catching up with a dear friend who lives very near this beach.
All these things were great, but there is one glaring omission in my short list. There was a wedding. An absolutely beautiful and joyous wedding. Ms Awesome and Captain Spreadsheet (X-Man and Bumblebee's parents, for those of you not following along) were married on a cold windy day in January, and our whole family was honoured to be involved.
There are lots of wonderful pictures to show and stories to tell, so the wedding will get its own post. Soon.
And by soon I don't mean next November. I mean soon.