Wednesday, November 17, 2010


This morning I was going out to do a bit of work, so I put my nametag on so as to look all official.

Venus came up to me and began the following conversation.

"Mummy, why are you wearing a nametag?"

"Because I'm going to work today."

"Oh." There was a short pause. "Why are you wearing your nametag on your left boob?"

I was taken aback.

"I'm not. It's on my chest."

She reaches up to pat my left boob and says slowly, reassuringly, as if I was stupid:

"Mummy, that IS your left boob."

In her defence she was pretty much right, and at the time I just wanted her to get her hand off my boob. She doesn't quite get that it's not okay to go poking around there.

But as I think about it now I realise that she knew it was my left side, so that means she can tell left from right. I have to say I'm pretty proud of her.

Now all I have to do is teach her not to fondle people.

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