Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Family tree

Sometimes Mars amazes me with his complete lack of consideration for others, but at other times he really impresses me with his thoughtfulness and kindness.

He brought home from school a drawing of a family tree which featured ovals labelled "Me", "Mum", "Dad", "Mum's Mum" and so on. We had a week to print some pictures of the family, glue them on and send it back to school.

But there was a problem.

As soon as Mars looked at this family tree, he noticed something. Something very important. Something was missing.

There was no space on the tree for Venus, and it really bothered him.

It bothered him so much that he insisted that we add her. So while Supernerd was downstairs painstakingly printing portraits at just the right size, I took out my black pens and went to work. 

It's a fairly dodgy effort, but I was pretty pleased with the result. I showed it to Mars, and I think he was almost as impressed with me as I was with him for insisting that his sister be added to his family tree.

I don't think every brother would do that for his little sister, but I sure am glad that Mars did.

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