They really should be banned, those leopard print things. Miniskirts, low cut dresses, hot pants, scarves, shiny (or even worse, furry) handbags. They should all be banned.
I saw this woman at the shops the other day. She must have been nearly sixty and she seemed to think that the fact this thing had a leopard print on it totally excused the fact that it didn't quite cover her bum.
As if that wasn't enough, she was also wearing the matching scarf. Which means she actually stood in front of a mirror wearing that skirt and jacket and thought about her outfit.
Did she think "Hmm, am I going to a nightclub at eleven in the morning? No. So maybe this is not appropriate." Apparently not.
Did she think "Hmm, maybe I'm too old for skirts that don't cover my bum." Evidently that day is still ahead of her.
No, she looked in the mirror and thought '"Oh, I might get cold. I know, I'll grab the leopard print scarf as well."
Won't somebody think of the leopards?
That is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Promise me that when I am 60 you will ensure that no such ridiculous items are in my wardrobe.