Venus is turning four next week and her sparkly party is the day after tomorrow.
X-Man's mum very kindly offered to make Venus' sparkly birthday cake. Together we planned the shape, she got together all the decorations and everything she would need, and she would have been ready to make the cake tomorrow.
Or so we thought.
I was under the impression that she was really keen to make this cake, but you will not believe the lengths she went to to try and get out of it.
Even though she's not due to give birth for another two weeks, she started with some practice contractions on Tuesday, but spent a lot of time assuring me that she would still able to make the cake and come to the party.
I had my doubts.
On Wednesday X-Man came to our house for a while in the afternoon so she could get some rest, and by Thursday she could barely move around because the baby had its head so tightly wedged in her pelvis.
At 7.10am today we got a message to say that she was on her way to hospital to have the baby and I would have to bake Venus' cake myself.
I knew it! It was all a cunning plan to get out of making this cake.
What she didn't know was that Mars had a cunning plan of his own.
Last night he developed a strong histamine reaction to something, taking the form of a spreading rash, and had an elevated temperature as well. By 9am today I was on my way to the doctor with Mars, whose rash had spread to his extremities and whose temperature had not dropped.
Later in the morning I sent an email to let everyone know that Venus' party would have to be postponed for two weeks due to Mars' illness.
Which means, you guessed it, that X-Man's mum will still have to make Venus' cake. Supernerd would point and shout "Woo hoo! In your face!" at this point, but I shan't, because I have manners.
Anyway, the story ends well. Mars is feeling better after a day of rest, X-Man's mum won't miss out on the party, and Venus' disappointment at not being able to have her party on Sunday was washed away with delight when we told her about X-Man's new little brother, Bumblebee.
But seriously, some people will do anything to try and get out of making a birthday cake.
Congratulations to X-Man's parents on their new addition - very exciting news. Hope Mars is feeling better soon too