Sometimes things just work out. That's how Quiche Thursday started.
Captain Spreadsheet is allergic to eggs. He wasn't always allergic to them, but it makes him sad that now when he goes out for breakfast he has to order bacon and eggs without the eggs.
That means that Ms Awesome never makes quiche, because if she did she would be the only one in her house eating it.
So I made her a quiche and she made a salad and we had lunch together one day at her house, and it was lovely.
But then it got better, because Ms Awesome mentioned the quiche to Mrs Z, who also loves quiche and never makes it because Mr Z doesn't like eggs.
So the Thursday after that became Quiche Thursday. That was about five or six weeks ago, and most Thursdays have been Quiche Thursday since then. It's a brilliant arrangement. I make the quiche, someone makes a salad and someone else makes a dessert. Our kids all play together and we get to catch up over quiche and cake.
If you have a need to eat quiche but nobody to eat it with, my advice is to find someone with an egg-intolerant spouse. So that you may find your own Quiche Thursday, I give you the easiest and quiche recipe ever.
4 eggs
1 chopped onion
375ml milk
250g chopped ham or bacon
1 cup grated tasty cheese
1/2 cup self-raising flour
salt and pepper to taste

You can add lots of different ingredients to this basic recipe. Swap the ham for smoked salmon, add corn, mushrooms, or capsicum if you like. You can also thinly slice a tomato and lay the slices on top of the quiche before you bake it, to make it look pretty. I like to add herbs from my little herb garden. Fresh basil is wonderful in this quiche.
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